Species at Risk Farm Incentive Program


About Species at Risk Farm Incentive Program

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The Species at Risk Farm Incentive Program (SARFIP) provides funding to agricultural landowners interested in completing habitat creation, enhancement and protection Best Management Practices (BMPs) that support species at risk. The range of possible activities applies to croplands, grasslands, stream banks, shorelines, wetlands and woodlands.

SARFIP 2022 Program Brochure

The Species at Risk Farm Incentive Program (SARFIP) provides funding to agricultural landowners interested in completing habitat creation, enhancement and protection Best Management Practices (BMPs) that support species at risk. Addressing risks identified through the Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) workbook, farmers can implement practices that are beneficial for species listed as at-risk in Ontario. The range of possible activities applies to croplands, grasslands, stream banks, shorelines, wetlands and woodlands. Check out the SARFIP 2022 Brochure for the full program details.

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SARFIP Application Forms

Sar Specific Needs

1.1 Habitat Structures and Enhancements

1.2 Corridors Connecting Habitats

1.3 Biodiversity Enhancement Plan

1.4 Invasive Plant Species Control

1.5 Other Specific SAR Habitat Improvement Projects


2.1 Fencing to Exclude Livestock from Woodland Areas

2.2 Native Tree Planting


3.1 Wetland Restoration

3.2 Fencing to Exclude Livestock from Water’s Edge

3.3 Improved Stream Crossings

3.4 Erosion Control Structures Along Water’s Edge


4.1 Native Grassland Planting 

4.2 Cross Fencing for Rotational Grazing

1.2 Corridors Connecting Habitats

Application [1.2]

1.3 Biodiversity Enhancement Plan

Application [1.3]

Note about Tree Planting Service Agreements

Planting must be done directly through a Conservation Authority and prepayment for all services and fees must be completed with proof of payment submitted to OSCIA as part of your claim package. The applicant must enter into a Tree Service Agreement (provided by OSCIA to applicant upon conditional approval of a submitted application). The agreement must be signed by the applicant and the Conservation Authority before being submitted to OSCIA for final approval. In the event that a Conservation Authority is not available to undertake the project (e.g. there is no Conservation Authority in your area, or they are unable to take on your project) an independent Planting Delivery Agent may be used. The independent Planting Delivery Agent must hold liability insurance of two million dollars or more to cover the activities outlined in the approved SARFIP application and provide a copy of this insurance with the completed Tree Service Agreement.

Construction & Mitigation Guidelines

Construction & Mitigation Guidelines

(Applies to BMP 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.2 and 4.1)

(Applies to BMP 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.2 and 4.1)




Construction & Mitigation Guidelines

(Applies to BMP 3.4)

Construction & Mitigation Guidelines

(Applies to BMP 3.5)

Construction & Mitigation Guidelines

(Applies to BMP 2.1, 3.2, and 4.2)

Construction & Mitigation Guidelines

(Applies to BMP 3.1 and 3.3)

SAR Webinars

Monitoring Species at Risk on Farm

How are monitoring programs developed and performed. Including BMP assessment, target SAR, survey methods and what monitoring means for farmers.

Webinar Series

  • Webinar 1: How to identify and protect snake habitat on your farm
  • Webinar 2: How to create and restore snake habitat on your farm

Monitoring Pollinators on your Farm Webinar

Learn about the role of pollinators in the function of the farm; pollinators provide many ecological goods and services

How to monitor pollinators on the farm; with the right knowledge and tools, you can contribute observations to citizen science and research

Learn how on-farm Best Management Practices (BMPs) can further enhance or restore pollinator habitat and forage sources on your farm

Looking for Species at Risk (SAR) Resources? Click here.

SAR Resources - Hero Image

Funding Statement

SARFIP is funded by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks through the Species at Risk Stewardship Program. 

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