The OSCIA Annual Report covers association business, updates, and reporting from our associations, committees, leadership, and staff across the province.
The OSCIA Annual Report covers association business, program updates, and reporting from our regional associations, Board of Director Committees, and leadership from across the province.
Local SCIAs may present resolution(s) at the OSCIA annual meeting, where they are voted on by the delegates. If carried, appropriate action is taken by the OSCIA Board of Directors following the annual meeting. Resolutions are sent to the appropriate parties, and responses are sent to the SCIA and delegate who presented the resolution(s). All actions, updates and responses are posted here, along with the original resolution. Click here for Resolution Guidelines.
We would like to thank our Supporting Partners. While OSCIA did not seek sponsorships specifically for the AGM this year, we wish to acknowledge the Supporting Partners continued support of the Association
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